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D4CodeEditor Control 1.1

D4CodeEditor Control 1.1

D4CodeEditor Control Publisher's Description

It enables .NET developers to open,edit,save code file like html,xhtml,xml,asp,aspx,jsp etc. with a color-code edit control. It empowers business users to make a friendly code edit application just by drag-drop to a WinForm,use openFile method to load a code file.Features? 1)Easily use as TextBox; 2)Color HTML/XML/XHTML code; 3)Customize edit mode; 4)Unlimited Undo/Redo steps; 6)12 methods supported; 8)8 events supported; 9)21 properties supported; 10)Can change font name ; 11)Can change font size; 12)Can change BgColor; 13)Support Word-wrap. ....For more features please visit the product's site

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